Bitty Beats
In Bitty Beats with Miss B, children receive evidence-based music experiences from a board certified music therapist. Sessions increase progress in a variety of goal areas enhancing musical, social, emotional, physical, communication, and cognitive development.
Bitty Beats with Miss B
Fostering exploration through singing, instrument play, movement, music and literacy, music listening, and multi-sensory experiences will support school curriculum and reach developmental milestones. These outcomes include increases in: sharing, turn-taking, self-regulation, socialization, verbalization, critical thinking, following directions, academic concepts, self-expression, attention to task, independence, and leadership.
In addition to reinforcing positive behaviors and academic progress, music classes will offer enriching hands-on experiences with musical instruments, musical concepts, and lay a foundation for future musical endeavors.
Bitty Beats classes are offered to pre-schools, families, and co-ops. To enroll your child in Bitty Beats, or set up a class for your program or family, click on the button below.